Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I have not written a blog in quite a while... I am feeling pretty overwhelmed by my life lately :(

However since I got my GoWear Fit I have worn it every day and tracked my calories every day. Even those days when I knew I didn't want to see how low my calorie burn was and how high my calorie intake was. The good news though: I have not had a single day without a calorie deficit! So I must be doing something right!

Also I did two 5k runs last week which brought me to the 50 mile total mark! WOOT! Both runs last week were hard... I wanted to quit half way through both but I wouldn't let myself.

I will keep trucking along even though life is crazy right now and hopefully have some good numbers to show for it soon!


  1. Keep going Shauna!!! You can do it! YAY on the TWO 5ks!!!! WTG!

  2. I left you an award on my blog!
